
Klimatåret | 2009 från NOAA

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Det har kommit en rapport om klimatåret 2009 från NOAA, den är på 218 sidor totalt. med dessa delar.

  1. Introduction
  2. Global Climate
    1. Summary
    2. Global Surface Temperature
    3. Hydrologic cycle
    4. Atmospheric circulation
    5. Earth radiation budget at top-of-atmospher
    6. Atmospheric composition
    7. Land surface properties
  3. Global Oceans
    1. Overview
    2. Sea surface temperatures in 2009
    3. Ocean heat content
    4. Global ocean heat fluxes
    5. Sea surface salinity
    6. Surface current observations
    7. The meridional overturning circulation
    8. Sea level variations, 2009 annual assessment
    9. The global ocean carbon cycle
    10. Global ocean phytoplankton
  4. The Tropics
    1. Overview
    2. ENSO and the tropical Pacific
    3. The Madden-Julian Oscillation
    4. Tropical cyclones
    5. Tropical cyclone heat potential
    6. Intertropical convergence zones
    7. Indian Ocean dipole
  5. The Arctic
    1. Overview
    2. Atmosphere
    3. Ocean
    4. Sea-ice cover
    5. Land
    6. Greenland
  6. Antarctica
    1. Overview
    2. Atmospheric circulation
    3. Surface station observations
    4. Surface mass balance
    5. Seasonal melt extent and duration
    6. Sea-ice extent and concentration
    7. Ozone depletion
  7. Regional Climates
    1. Overview
    2. North America
    3. Central America and the Caribbean
    4. South America
    5. Africa
    6. Europe
    7. Asia
    8. Oceania
  8. Seasonal Global Summaries

BAMS Annual State of the Climate | 2009.

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