Ekonomi - Energi

Peeking at Peak Oil – Kjell Aleklett

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Jag har lånat och tittat lite i Kjell Aleklett:s bok ”Peeking at Peak Oil”. Om ni inte vill köpa boken så låna den, finns den inte på ert bibliotek, be då biblioteket ta hem ett ex så kan flera få läsa den sen.Boken är på engelska och på 336 sidor med många illustrationer av Olle Qvennerstedt, konstnär och illustratör. Boken kanske kommer på svenska då Kjell skrev originalet på svenska för senare översättning.

Boken tar upp många svåra ämnen på ett lätt och pedagogiskt sätt. T ex beskriver Kjell vad 1 kWh med hjälp av en bil och Eiffeltornet. Han beskriver om sitt möte med MUST och Colin Campbell:s träff med CIA i kapitel 18. Matt Simmons bok Twilight in the Desert skulle kunna blivit en doktorsavhandling, men blev en bästsäljare i stället, detta beskrivs i del 13.

Boken tar upp dessa områden inom energi.

1. Introduction
2. Peak Oil
3. A world addicted to oil
4. The global oil and gas factory
5. How to find an oilfield
6. The oil industry’s vocabulary
7. The art of producing (extracting) oil
8. The size of the tap – the laws of physics and economics
9. The Elephants – the giant oilfields
10. Unconventional oil, NGL and the Mitigation Wedge
11. The peak of the Oil Age
12. Oil from Deep Water -the tail end of oil production
13. Peeking at Saudi Arabia – ”Twilight in the desert”
14. Russia and the USA – the oil pioneers|
15. China and Peak Oil
16. Peak transportation
17. Peak Oil and climate change
18. Why military and intelligence agencies are ”Peeking at Peak Oil”
19. How can we live with Peak Oil?
20. An inconvenient Swede

Peeking at Peak Oil – Kjell Aleklett – 9781461434238 | Bokus bokhandel.

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3 Comments on “Peeking at Peak Oil – Kjell Aleklett

  1. ”Peak Oil,” what’s that? It’s nearly invisible at RIO 20. The same seems to be true for the latest meeting of the IPCC in Geneva (6th to 9th of June, 2012) as they prepare AR5 for 2014. Was M. King Hubbert wrong in a very brief 1976 YouTube video when he said: ”If we go back 5,000 years and ahead 5,000 years, we see this Washington Monument like spike, the episode of oil, gas and coal. It is the most disturbing thing in human history. It is responsible for our technological society and in terms of human history it is a very brief period.” Source: […]Prof. Kjell Aleklett of the Uppsala Global Energy Systems Group and President of the Association for Study of Peak Oil (ASOP) has just explained in wonderful detail the important and meaning of Hubbert’s quotation. It’s real and it’s here! Yet our collective denial is profound and truly scary.In this very readable and well illustrated book, ”Peeking at Peak Oil” we learn that both the industrial and governmental agencies are not giving us a clear idea of where we really are, that Peak Oil us upon us and Peak Coal and Peak Gas (not to mention Peak Water and Peak Phosphorus) are not far behind. Even if these peak in the next 50 or 150, that’s literally no time at all when we realize humans could live on this planet for the next 500 to 800 million years, or perhaps a little longer, before the increasing heat of the sun does away with our water. Therefore, if we truly care about our great grandchildren and theirs, we need to begin immediately to rebuild an extremely low-carbon our global economy which substitutes ”consumptionism” with a vibrant cultural life that’s more than just ”entertainment.” For all the wonderful insights in Prof. Aleklett’s book, I’d wished he’d have had a clearer section on CO2 levels and had given a little more attention to the rapidly developing fracking efforts to reach shale gas. These aside, were Aleklett’s book to be required reading for RIO, its chances of success would be greatly improved!

  2. Peak oil is not about running out of oil. It refers to the fact that, since oil is a finite resource, the annual rate of production of oil must at some point reach an all-time maximum – a ‘peak’ – and then decline. This empirical phenomenon of peaking has already been observed in about two-thirds of oil producing countries as well as the regions of North America (peaked in 1985) and Europe (peaked in 2000). Global new oil discoveries have been declining since the 1960s and giant oilfields – accounting for some 60% of world supply – are declining at over 6% a year. Production of conventional oil has hardly risen since 2005, even though demand is burgeoning in developing countries.

  3. Följderna av en kommande klimatkatastrof? Nej, det hotande resultatet av den brist på olja som världen just börjat skönja konturerna av, om man ska tro ekonomen Daniel Berg i nya numret av Ordfront (7-8/2008). Någonstans måste ju den ändliga resursen olja ta slut, och många menar att vi ungefär nu passerar höjdpunkten, ”peak oil”.

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