Nästa NOG-seminarium den 10 maj som är ett samarbete mellan NOG och Utrikespolitiska Institutet. Det handlar om Naturgasen i Europa, som är världens största importör av gas. Seminariet kostar 100:- för ovanlighets skull.
The Great Gas Game – Supply of Natural Gas to Europe and Asia
The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) and the Network Oil and Gas (NOG) welcome you to a seminar on the international gas market.
Europe is the world’s largest natural gas importing region. The second largest importing region is Asia Pacific. Between these two large markets lie the world’s major gas exporting regions; Russia, the Caspian Sea region, the Middle East and North Africa.
In this enormous energy arena, stretching over three continents, governments of importing countries are striving to attain acceptable level of energy security while the exporters are looking to maximize the long term value of their natural resources. It is also a giant marketplace, where energy companies are seeking economic supply and profitable markets. Politics and commerce are intertwined in bringing about the long term agreements and large investments in field development, processing and transportation that are needed to bring natural gas to the markets.
This seminar will examine the major factors that will influence governments and companies in their political and strategic decisions on supply and investments.
Speakers and discussants:
Jonathan Stern, Chairman, Natural Gas Research Programme and Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
Hakim Darbouche, Research Fellow and expert on North African energy, political economy and politics. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.
Katarina Johnsson, Head of Origination, SEB Commodities
Svante Cornell, Research Director of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, and a co-founder of the Institue for Security and Development Policy, Stockholm.
The seminar will be moderated by Nathalie Besèr, advisor at UI and Staffan Riben, chairman of the program committee of NOG.
Date: Thursday 10th of May, 2012
Time: 13.00-16.30
Location: The Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Drottning Kristinas väg 37, Stockholm
Seminar fee: UI members free. Non members 100 SEK. Cash only.
Reply to anmalan@nog.se if you are interested in joining.