Nätverket Olja & Gas har ett seminarium den 14 april 13:00-16:30, som dom kallar. På ÅF’s kontor Frösundaleden 2A, Stockholm
“Coal as a raw material in a sustainable energy system – how do we make it possible?”
– Present coal resources and utilization, how large are the resources and where are they located?
– New technologies, identification of Clean Coal Technologies in Sweden, Europe and the world
– The role of Coal in the future energy system
Torbjörn Wahlborg: Head of Vattenfall Nordic
John Topper: Managing Director, IEA Clean Coal Centre
Kalliopi Kalesi: Programme Manager, CCS, European Commission
Tomas Bruce: Managing Director of the Swedish Coal Institute
Seminariet är fritt och anmäls till anmalan@nog.se senast den 9 april.